Thank you to our generous Friends of Axis Donor Circle!
Friends of Axis includes all donors who have contributed $1,000 or more in 2024-2025.
Kelechi Abanobi
Alex Amin
Anonymous (10)
Ricardo Barragan
Arturo Becerra-Fraijo
Herran Bekele
Bob and Reveta Bowers
Cindy and Bob Broder
Steven and Natalie Clunis
Nne Ebong
Lucy Farber
Iman and James Farrior
Noah Francis
Leslie Goetzman
Chisara Iwuagwu
Jonathan Kim
Yangchen Lama
Matthew Lotfey
Kay Madati
Anita and Corey Martin
John and Ife McMichael
Huey Merchant and Steve Artiga
Aaron Mieszczanski
Walter Mosley
Doreen and Don Oleson
Lalat Pattanaik
Saladin Patterson
Anthony Phelan
Jeffrey Platt
Eve Rodsky
Suchada Shu
Eric and Susan Smidt
Andrew Smith Lewis
Ben and Ella Stewart
Cassie Tran
Ekong Udoekwere
Marlana Villena
Jason Wilborn
Hailey Young
Laurel Zeigler
Zoe Zeigler and Jeremiah Erby